For Contact Press Images,
as for much of the world, September 11, 2001 effectively inaugurated a
new era, overnight transforming the political and cultural landscape.
With the so-called war on terror catapulted to the forefront
of international concern, Contact photographers responded with images
from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, the Middle East, Washington D.C., New
York City, and elsewhere yet the agencys mission remained
constant: to produce in-depth photographic essays of pressing global concern
instead of disposable news, to pose difficult questions rather
than provide facile answers, and above all to make important and lasting
images always with history in mind.
Now approaching its thirtieth anniversary, Contact, one of the last small
independent photographic agencies still in existence, with slightly over
twenty active photographers from over a dozen countries, and representing
the bodies of work of another dozen, has responded to the technological
changes sweeping the photographic world with a fully updated website,
scanning and digital transmission facilities but never by sacrificing
innovation or the range of the traditional tools of the medium. Nor has
it left behind its custom of focusing on world-wide humanitarian issues
such as AIDS, poverty, and education, issues which ignored as they
often are frequently preface dire military confrontations. Indeed,
these untended issues lie at the heart of Contacts philosophy:
to cover what remains uncovered, and to shine a powerful light on dark
corners of the globe.